[Fwd] Introducing our Keynotes - PyCon Ireland 2014
Vicky Twomey-Lee - Python Ireland
11 years ago
Wowsa, check out the keynote speakers for PyCon Ireland 2014.
There are tickets still available <http://python.ie/pycon/>.

Do pass this along to other scientists, researchers, analysts, animation,
SFX, mathematicians, QA, those who are into data, Open Source, those in the
finance field, etc. It's not just for programmers.

And don't forget, Django Girls Dublin will be happening on Monday 13th
October. For info about other sprints on 13th & 14th, see schedule

If you have any questions, ping pycon-i58v/***@public.gmane.org


/// Vicky Twomey-Lee (PyLadies Dublin <https://twitter.com/pyladiesdub>

Python Ireland <http://python.ie/> Treasurer
EuroPython Society
PSF member <http://pyfound.blogspot.ie/2012/08/welcome-new-psf-members.html>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diarmuid Bourke
Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Introducing our Keynotes - PyCon Ireland 2014
To: pythonireland-/***@public.gmane.org

The PyCon Ireland organising team are delighted introduce all of our
keynote speakers for PyCon Ireland this October 11th/12th. We have a great
selection of speakers, and a very fascinating range of topics being covered
this year. If you (or someone you know) still haven't picked up a ticket
for PyCon yet, you still have time, and can get them at
http://python.ie/pycon for EUR70. If you are a student, the cost is just
EUR40. The ticket includes entry to the main conference on Saturday and
Sunday, Breakfast, Lunch and a break on both days. If you are planning on
attending the sprints on the Monday and Tuesday, there is separate free
registration for this on http://python.ie/pycon/2014/sprints/ so we know
the number of people to expect.

*Remember buy your ticket early*, as we expect to sell out again this year.
And now, here are the details of our Keynotes! Check
http://lanyrd.com/2014/pyconie/ for updates.

*"The Real Unsolved Problems in Data Science**"* by * Ian Ozsvald*

*Data Science was described as "The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century" by the
Harvard Business Review. Behind the glitter of the Big Data marketing wave
lies a raft of issues that are hard, important and decidedly unsexy - if
they're solved then statisticians and engineers can apply their
organisations' data to solve high value problems.*

*Having worked, consulted and trained in the field for 15 years I'll
highlight the gritty problems and propose ways for Pythonistas to tackle
and solve these issues to keep Python as the go-to language for practical
data science work.*
*"Python and the Financial Industry"* by * Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch*

*To be announced...*

*"Building the Medieval Universe in 7 Easy Steps with Scientific Python**"*
by * Brandon Rhodes*

*Ancient scientists decided not want to wait around for Python to be
invented, but went ahead and built a model of the universe using more
primitive means of calculation. But today we can finally bring their work
up to date! By applying data analysis and in-browser visualization to the
best and most accurate modern astronomical data, we will rebuild the
ancient and medieval model of the universe — from the orbit of the Moon all
the way up to the highest heaven. In the process we will see how vector
math, statistical solvers, plotting libraries, and animation can all be
brought together inside of the IPython Notebook.*

*"Becoming a Better programmer"* by * Harald Armin Massa*

*You have selected the best possible programming language;* *you learned
about object oriented design, functional paradigmas, test driven
development and the Structure and interpretation of computer programs. You
created you own templating engine or two.*

*What else can you do? Harald did research and experimented outside
computer sciences. What methods and substances are available to tune your
brain for programming? This talk will describe personal experiences with
various motivational, self discipline, learning and information management
techniques; substances and exercises to tune your brains operating system.
There will be expeditions into results from brain research. Critical
judgement, pointing out snake oil and stuff that worked will be provided as
well as motivating jokes.*
*"Who's afraid of the big bad 3?"* by* Lennart Regebro*

*Python 3 is often described in scary words, with claims like it being
another language and that is is tearing the community in two etc. If you
believe what some people are saying, it's slow, it's a nightmare, porting
is a pain and you are gonna get eaten alive! The truth is much less
frightening, and this talk will take a high level perspective of Python 3,
and look at my and others experience with supporting it and tell you how
you can switch to Python 3.*

*"Beyond the Cathedral & Bazaar: The New Era of Open Source Cross Community
Collaboration"* by *Diane Mueller*

*Cloud Computing has changed everything. It has made creating, deploying
and managing both open source and proprietary software simpler, more cost
effective and secure, and within the reach of mere mortal humans. It is the
driving force behind a series of disruptive positive transformations to
Open Source community interactions. OpenSource Projects like OpenStack and
OpenShift are being built with the help of numerous other Open Source
technology communities; we embed our resources into other key projects to
ensure each others mutual success. The interdependencies abound as
technology borders blur between projects. We can no longer afford to be
isolationists. New models for community development are emerging to
facilitate the new realities. Our eco-systems support numerous other Open
Source projects whom rely on our stability and openness to ensure their
success. And in turn, users of the services we provide embed their
resources into our projects contributing back, working with peers and
ensuring the projects move forward in directions that enable them to ensure
success. In this talk, Diane will dive into some fundamental shifts that
are occurring in Open Source community development, discuss new models for
facilitating effective cross-community collaboration and talk about her
experiences helping bridge the divides between users, developers, and the
organizations that support them.*

*"Rider/coder" *by *Daniele Procida*

*What's special about being a programmer? *Is* there something special
about it?*

*What's our relationship with non-coders, who don't understand, who will
never understand, what we do?*

*In this talk I consider the mysterious inner life of the coder, and the
tension between programming as a skill, and programming as a vocation.*

*"**To be announced"* by * Rachel Willmer*

Best regards,
The PyCon Ireland team

Diarmuid Bourke,
PyCon Ireland 2014 Chair.

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